Lake District

Lake District 2021 - 07/12/2021

Day 1 - Haystacks

Before the real action began, the journey to the Lakes on Friday evening turned out to be quite eventful. From arriving at our stop off along the way to the busiest Christmas Market in history, to arriving at the Village Hall to the food delivery man who had waited 50 minutes for us to arrive. Zoe and Alice also got a bollocking from the Village Hall owner for arriving "late", but we have since made amends. We set off early on Saturday morning for a hair raising drive to Gatesgarth car park. The weather was suitably miserable from the start, and we made our ascent up Haystacks. Along the way we stopped at Dubs Hut to escape the winds and warm up. Inside we were repeatedly informed not to white-wash walls in bothy's by a what can only be described as a weird man. Soon after this we squelch through a bog to leap across a stream deep enough to submerge us all at least waist deep. At the top of Haystacks we were engulfed by a snow blizzard that put us all in the Christmassy mood. As we descended the snow turned to rain and gale force winds which were not encouraging for a luncheon break so we ploughed on to the bottom of the hill. By the time we arrive back at the minibuses, everyone was drenched, starving hungry and miserable.

On arrival back to the Village Hall, we all stripped of our sodden garments and rearranged the hall into what looked like a flood rescue centre. After we had all warmed up and got into dry clothes a trip to Booths was in order. Tamara had her first Booths experience and John and Zoe spontaneously decided everyone deserved a cake and bought the ingredients. Once back, the kitchen crew slaved away to make chilli and rice for everyone and John successfully made a Gluten Free chocolate tray bake without scales. After dinner entertainment consisted of a quiz and charades which included "The Wainwright's Guide: Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells" and "The Highway Code". A trip to the pub and then a snooze was gladly welcomed to end the frivolities of Saturday.

Day 2 - Maiden Moor, High Spy, Dale Head & Hindscarth

We woke up early to ensure we were out the Village Hall by 9, a big thank you to everyone who helped to tidy and clean up the place so we could leave on time. Once parked up we soon split into two groups.

Group 1

We began with a saunter up a hill with the other group before they split off to embark on their adventures. Whilst taking in the views of Derwent Water we took the opportunity to get the flag out and have a photo. Then we descended to the shore of the lake and had elevenses whilst setting up another group photo and skimming stones (5 skips was the record). We followed the shore of the lake before heading back to the minibus and going to the pub to use the facilities, although what had initially been intended as a drink and toilet stop turned into a mid afternoon meal because the menu looked divine. Harry entertained himself by informing the other group of our exploits via walkie talkie and buying a big sausage. A few drinks later the other group joined us before we all left for home.

Group 2

At the split we continued to ascend up to Maiden Moor and then High spy where we decided it was too cold and got out the emergency shelter to warm up. At the top we were greeted with spectacular views of snow topped hills all around and an icy wind that could chill you to the core. Of this group Zoe and John decided to descend down on a nice relaxing and romantic walk along a path which was lined by waterfalls. The rest of the group were mad enough to continue their climb up to the snowy summits of Dale Head and Hindscarth. Unfortunately this marked the end of the trip and we all had to come home to the realities of Birmingham.