
Dovedale 2022 - Harry Curtis - 20/03/2022

This was a rearranged date of a hike planned for exactly a month ago, and what a difference a month makes! Instead of dangerous gusts and torrential downpours, we were greeted by blue skies, bright sunshine, and crisp spring temperatures which made for fantastic walking weather.

We gathered early, too early for some (I’m looking at you Billy and Elliott!) and set off North. The Wayfarers are strong navigators on snowy mountainsides or foggy moorland, but Spaghetti Junction continues to baffle and bemuse us. Fortunately, all wrongs were soon righted and with only a couple of small mishaps it wasn’t long before Tommy, Taran and Amey were queuing up for their Victoria sponges in the National Trust tearoom of Ilam Hall, as the rest of us asked “where the hell are Tommy, Taran and Amey?!”.

We marched up along the river Dove on a path almost as busy as Birmingham Primark on a rainy bank holiday Monday, feeling embarrassed being overtaken by children in buggies and dogs in gilets whilst we were wearing our finest RAB jackets and Scarpa boots. Once we crossed the treacherous stepping stones, and only a few feet got wet, we started to lose the crowds as we continued up the valley.

We then started our ascent up the valley sides and crossed the fields of Stanshope, before arriving at the designated lunch spot of Wetton. Then, emergency struck! Peter had forgotten his lunch!!

Conveniently, Wetton Tea Room offers a delicious sausage sandwich so thankfully the panic was over, and to celebrate Tommy had his second Victoria sponge of the day. We then continued towards the Manifold Valley, with a prolonged stop for a speleological scramble into the impressive Thor’s cave. Some people climbed with more grace than others, but fortunately no (major) injuries were accrued, and the mild peril presented by a natural slide was enjoyed. The final stretch of the walk was a scenic stroll along the Manifold Trail taking in the dramatic views of the limestone crags in the late afternoon sun.

Overall, a great 20 km walk in the spring (or winter? Who knows…) sunshine, with lots of tired legs and muddy hands. Once again, thank you to Peter, Alice, Tommy and George for kindly volunteering to drive and thank you to everyone that came along on a day that is certainly one of my Wayfarers highlights of 2022.